Monday, 21 May 2012

#1 My Fav Hero Guide! Axe's Guide!

well I'm really don't have any idea on writing this blog actually...but well lets just get started...

 brutal AXE my heroLabels

<----looks disgusting right but he's better than pudge...ewww..:DD n stronger too


y i choose him?


# has a good disable
# great tanker
# high starting HP
# of course Very Hard To Kill
# great farmer in early game
# high base strength
# high agility gain
# not gay

but what sucks bout him was

# slow attack speed
# slow movement speed
# slow mana pool
# needs proper positioning 
# needs item to tank well


Now for skills and skills build

                        SKILLS AND SKILL BUILDS


Forces any enemy unit to attack while buffing your armor by 30. This basically disables any enemy (including magic imuned) unit from doing anything but attack you. IF your new to DotA you will probably ask yourself WTF will you want to be attacked by everybody. Well this is because the plus 30 armor and your naturally high HP gives you the ability to take all the damage plus you have your bread and butter skill Counter Helix which we will discuss later.


Well you have many choices in building up your skills. It’s up to your strategy or game style. Go feel free to choose the skill build that suits you but first let me discuss them:

In the Normal Build, you should maximize Counter Helix and Berserker's Callbut also I suggest you to learn Battle Hunger at lvl 4 because of its movement speed decrease which is useful when chasing and helping allies in ganks. Heres a video of Axe showing the effectiveness of Counter Helix plusBerserker's Call duirng the early stages of the game. The player's item build is not recommended.

In the DPS build your main skill is Battle Hunger. You will use it to burn enemy heroes to death. With this skill build you’ll have to find ways on how to sustain your mana pool which will be discussed on the later parts of the guide. This build gives you another way of playing Axe making him a heavy DPS ganker. At first I never really liked the idea of this build but after watching some games and reading LapizLazuli’s guide and after Icefrog madeBattle Hunger a more fuckin overpowered skill in EVERY FUCKING UPDATE... Well, I realized it could be more effective in some situations. You would like to do this build if you have an ally who has another strong DPS skill in the early game like  and also with someone who can amplify the damage


Starting Items:

choose one of them which suites you more. If you don't need them then don't buy'em (but you'll surely need one of them trust me) then:

you'll need this item in every situation.

After the items above get a combination of the ff:

  • Expecting a lot of skills spammed at your face?
  • Don't go and rush magic wand, you better buy it if you need some space in your inventory.
  • Having a hard time farming?
  • Build a Ring of Basilius later
  • If you don't wan't to push yet you can turn Basilius heroes only by clicking it, just an additional info. 
  • You can also use this to build Tranquil Boots.

  • You can get the components at the side shop
  • This is for the DPS build
  • Brace yourself! later... don't buy a bracer as a starting item you can get more benefits by buying ither items
  • Have some extra gold with you worth 53g or more?
  • you can also stack 3 of thes in you inventory and make a wand later for more stats and survivablity.
  • It ensures a good game so it's worth it 
So the conclusion is: there are many items that can fit you just remember you always need some heals and a stout sheild. The next can be any item that will suit your situation. Example: you want to do the DPS build then you have to get the soulring recipe, If you want to have stats get some ironwood branches.

Next Items:

Vanguard is the best defensive item in the early game because of it's cheap price. No Axe player will initiate very well without Blink (Kellen's) Dagger thats why it is a must for Axe. The Hood of Defiance finishes your core however if you want to go more offensive, get Blade Mail instead of the Hood. Blink and Blade Mail are great synergies with Berserker's Call. You just have to Blink, activate Berserker's Call and Blade Mail then after that you will end up with one dead unlucky victim. Blade Mail is also good for escapes when you and your enemy are both in low health. They'll think twice of hitting you with Blade Mail activated. Here's a pic of Axe's item and skill combo:
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1155x607.


  • I guarantee you, this items won't waste your item slot and money
  • Heart is the best luxury item in most cases and I recommend you to buy it first but there are some cases that Assault Cuirass and Shiva's are more useful like when you need more armor or if there is a lifestealer.
  • Assault Cuirass is good if you need more pushing power and it gives you a huge amount of armor
  • Shiva's Guard is wonderful if you need more mana and it also gives a good aura against hard carries and a useful active skill.
  • If someone in your team has a cuirass already you should know that the aura doesn't stack! Don't follow those gg assholes who have two items with the same aura... (this is a lesson for the entire game)

Does the game continues?2x
  • For more strength
  • It's also a wise choice to save gold incase buyback is needed.


  • Hate that sticky napalm and quillspray hitting you every 2 seconds?
  • Don't worry you'll benefit more with this stick!

  • So! You wanna play the carry?
  • Don't underestimate the ability to use you Ult every 6 seconds. Who cares if the all the heroes are tanky at late game? You can still benefit from the movespeed buff by killing a creep with your ult.

  • Always bring this while jungling DUH!
  • It's tree chop skill is used to save time by chopping trees behind a neutral camp

  • Use if you are faced with mana burners
  • This is a must if you're using the DPS build

Let's take a good look at which boots you should get:

Tranquil Boots is a good choice for Axe since it gives you +80 movespeed, +3 HP regen and +3 armor and an active skill that can heal you for 170 HP in 10 second for only 1025. Pretty OP isn't it? Well the downside is that this boots' effect becomes just like the normal boots(+55 movespeed, no other effects) when you get attacked by an enemy hero pretty much like the Blink Dagger. The good thing is that you can disassemble it and you can use the parts to make other items like Hood of the Defiance, Ring of Basilius and Boots of travel.

Arcan boots, well, their the best choice if you chose to spam Battle Hungerwith its active skill and +250 mana. LIke tranquil boots it can be disassembled and turned into a Boots of Travel

This is a good choice if you roam and gank alot with it's bonus movespeed. However this cant be disassembled and you'll have to sell it if you want a Boots of Travel or stick with it in the entire game.

Gives you bonus attackspeed (not really needed) and +8 to the selected attribute giving you more flexibility. This is the least choice for Axe and like Phase Boots, it cant be dissasembled.

Last and definitely not the least, Boost of Travel. Gives shitloads of movespeed and you never have to bother buying TP scolls because it has a Teleport skill which allows you to maximize your time specially lategame. Best boots of choice for almost all heroes for me.


  • You dont have nor need the attack speed for the passive maim

  • This is a nice item but it will take time for you to build this
  • During the late game you will have enough mana to do all of your
  • Like I said, one Vanguard is better than two Poor Man's Shield but two
    Poor Man's Shield are better than two vanguards
  • Two vanguards are are useless because not all the block damage does
    not stack.

  • These items fooled me, if your practicing Axe remember lifesteal and any other orb is not needed.
  • This item is really not needed because you already have an AoE skill and this item will only give you shitty damage that is not a big need of axe, mana and health regeneration the only benefit that is good for you and cleave which you don't need because creeps are already dead with your Counter Helix